Measures CC, DD & FF Cost Taxpayers Over $10 Million Per Year

These three measures take $10 million
per year from vital services.

Measures CC, DD, and FF Cost Taxpayers Over $10 million Per Year

The total cost of Measures CC, DD & FF is over $10 million per year. There is no new revenue to pay for these programs.

Santa Ana is already facing a deficit, which is projected to get worse in the next few years.

The only place Measure CC, DD & FF funding can come from is cuts to existing vital programs.

Housing Bureaucrats & Consultants
$2.9 million
New Election Bureaucracy
$6.6 million
Pay Raises for Politicians
$0.7 million



We need to devote every available resource to public safety protection, addressing homelessness, fixing sidewalks and potholes, and improving our parks. Instead Measures CC, DD and FF spend money on out of town  consultants, unnecessary bureaucracy, lawsuits, and politicians.

If we want to maintain and improve Santa Ana’s quality of life, Vote No on CC, DD & FF

What Could be Cut to Pay for Measures CC, DD & FF?

A $10,000,000 CUT

in our police department pays for about 40 officers out of our 300 officer Police Department.

A $10,000,000 CUT

would be an almost 20% cut to our fire department contract with OCFA and medical response contract with CARE Ambulance

A $10,000,000 CUT

would be a 50% reduction in our Parks & Recreation budget. Parks would be closed, un-maintained, and after school and community recreation programs shut down.

A $10,000,000 CUT

to Public Works would entirely wipe out or general fund budget for road repair, sidewalk repair, and graffiti abatement

A $10,000,000 CUT

would cut over a third of the programs designed to respond to and prevent homelessness.

Are You Willing to Make These Sacrifices to Pay for the Wasteful Spending of Measure CC, DD and FF?