Measures CC, DD & FF Cost Taxpayers Over $10 Million Per Year

Measure DD Devalues Democracy

And Comes with a Huge Price Tag

  • Devalues Democracy
  • Ends Requirement for Citizenship to Vote
  • Costs Taxpayers Millions on New City Bureaucracy

DD – Devalues Democracy

Measure DD Devalues Democracy by removing the requirement that a person must be a citizen to vote in local elections. Whether one was born here or earned citizenship through immigration and naturalization, voting in our country is a right reserved for citizens.

Measure DD – Huge Price Tag

Measure DD also comes with a huge price tag.

Under DD, Santa Ana would have to set up its own separate election bureaucracy, because Orange County would no longer be able to run Santa Ana elections due to different rules for voting.

The new Santa Ana election bureaucracy would cost an estimated $6.6 million per year, money again not available to fund public safety protection, addressing homelessness, or improving streets, sidewalks and parks.

The Orange County Registrar of Voters already runs Santa Ana’s elections perfectly well for a fraction of the cost of what it would cost taxpayers for Santa Ana to have its own Elections Department.

Vote No on
Measure DD